Head's Message

A degree course in industrial design takes four years.
In four years the students undergo a metamorphosis.
From inexperienced in the field to professionals, possessors of a unique viewpoint and work methods. The field of design, and industrial design in particular, is more than a profession. After four years in the department, our graduates become people with a different world view. That of industrial designers.
Industrial design is founded on empathy – the ability to understand the world, to step into the user’s shoes and to understand the experiences enabled by the products. The aim of design is to improve people’s lives – to sharpen, to make more efficient, to raise consciousness.
The field of industrial design is wide and very varied and enables many shades of research and work. Both in academia and in the world outside.
Taking a broad view of the variety, the quality and the character of all the projects presented by graduates this year, I feel certain that we have produced graduates with a full tool box that will enable them to each find a personal direction that suits them, to progress and to adapt themselves to the dynamic environment and the changes taking place around them.
And to the graduates – when you begin to find and to create your path in the world of design – trust yourselves, your ability and the tools you have received here. Dare to continue and to advance and remember the words of childhood heroine Pippi Longstocking:
“I never tried to do this in the past, so I think I’ll certainly succeed.”

All the best of luck
Luca and the department