ט'גל שאראן הגיעה ל-HIT כל הדרך מהודו לסמסטר של חילופים במחלקה לתקשורת חזותית. רגע לפני שהיא עוזבת אותנו, שוחחנו על החוויה שלה במכון, על שיעורים, מורים, חברים, ישראל וכמובן- איך לא- על סקיצות!
עדן ירוחים, תקשורת חזותית
Where are you from?
I am Tejal Sharan, a third year Graphic Design student from the National Institute of Design (NID) Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India! I moved houses every two years since I was born because my father is in the Indian Army. That is why I like meeting new people and that’s where my love for illustrating people comes from.

These are some sketches of stories of women migrants from rural india, specifically from Gujarat rural tribes. This was a project I took up in India back in 2018, in order to bring light to some personal stories that women have shared from the major challenges they faced after moving to cities. It’s an important project for me as I got to tell someone’s story through my art.

This project is called RED DAYS and it’s all about embracing womanhood and menstruation.
This series of illustrations began as a personal endeavour to get familiar with the state of my mental health during menstruation periods. I visualised a female with red owwy hair as a personification of my mood during periods. To keep the rawness, I used red ink on paper.
What is it like to study Design in india?
In my design college in India I study under the Graphic Design department in Visual Communication. We have courses on typography, print, illustration, system design and design projects on various themes. We follow the curriculum of the Bauhaus school which has modules instead of classes. All students stay together in hostels like a family, we work and eat together.

It’s been a very new and fresh experience at HIT as an exchange student in the Visual Communication department. I opted for illustration courses with Gary Goldstein and Zeev Engelmayer, UI/UX course with Iris Duani, Branding Studio course with Bachar Erez and a course specially made for exchange students with Talia Fried. It took me a few weeks to get used to the system of different classes everyday but it was a good change from my college back in India.

What are some of the projects you did in HIT?
These are some digital collages and image manipulations from my illustration course with Gary Goldstein. This series is about representing human feelings through threads, specifically self improvement and self obsession. I have absolutely loved this course the most!

Gary Goldstein’s illustration workshop was a lot of fun for me as I made a zine for the first time!
A zine is a non commercial home made short magazine, often used by illustrations and comic artist to reach out public without spending much. It also gives a very personal vibe. This zine is about me and my exchange buddy Sanjana, and our funny experiences in Israel as Indians.

How do you summarize the experience you had in Israel?
I have learned a lot throughout my stay and am happy with the work I have done here. Also, I met a lot of great Israeli friends! The warmth and welcoming nature of Israelis made me feel a part of this place. I saw major festivals like Purim, Passover, Independence Day and the Pride Parade during my stay in Tel Aviv. I love to take inspiration from my experiences and the vibe of the people around me for my art. I will miss HIT and Israel dearly!
ליצירת קשר: עדן ירוחים