Architectural AI‭: ‬The Importance of Agency

Prof‭. ‬Alexander Webb‭, ‬The University of New Mexico‭ (‬USA‭)‬

Abstract‭: ‬“It’s not a human move‭. ‬I’ve never seen a human play this move‭. ‬So beautiful”

Fan Hui describing AlphaGo’s Move 37

While the potential of integrating AI into architecture is universally accepted‭, ‬precisely how that integration will occur and into which aspect of architecture the integration will occur is contested‭. ‬In 1972‭ ‬Nicholas Negroponte’s Soft Architecture Machines described a myriad of opportunities for integration‭, ‬50‭ ‬years later Negroponte’s musings are still prescient‭. ‬While the core suggestions are still relevant‭, ‬the most insightful aspect of Negroponte’s writing is that there is a multiplicity of potentials‭- ‬a capacity that is still present in contemporary discussion regarding architectural AI‭.‬

Much discussion in the last five years regarding architectural AI‭, ‬as well as AI as integrated into other aspects of design‭, ‬have focused on deploying deep learning within design methodology‭. ‬However‭, ‬the work of architects such as Phillip Beesley and Jenny Sabin have focused upon integrating AI into built environments‭, ‬capitalizing on big data sources and complex analysis labanian‭ ‬motion to create emotional machines‭. ‬Their work‭, ‬as well as the work of others‭, ‬presences a capacity of the machine to understand‭, ‬reflect‭, ‬and‭, ‬arguably‭, ‬possess emotion in ways that are unique to architectural AI‭.‬

This presentation is a celebration of this multiplicity‭, ‬that a variety of architectural AIs exist and that they have been unfolding for more than 50‭ ‬years‭. ‬More than simply acknowledging this condition‭, ‬this presentation will argue for the importance of agency architectural AI‭- ‬in whichever form it might take‭. ‬This presentation will draw from the work of Graham Harman‭, ‬California‭ ‬State University microbiologists‭, ‬and AlphaGo’s seminal Move 37‭, ‬ultimately arguing that increased machinic agency is vital for the future of any form of architectural AI and‭ ‬that architects should endeavor to augment this capacity as soon as possible‭.‬

Short CV‭: ‬ALEXANDER WEBB STAMM‭ ‬PROFESSOR OF ADVANCED DESIGN‭ + ‬CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF EMERGENT TECHNOLOGY‭, ‬RA‭, ‬NCARB‭, ‬LEED AP School of‭ ‬Architecture and Planning University of New Mexico EDUCATION‭ / ‬LICENSES PhD‭. ‬Candidate‭, ‬Digital Design‭, ‬2014‭ – ‬Present‭, ‬European‭ ‬Graduate School‭, ‬Saas-Fee‭, ‬CH‭. ‬Master of Architecture‭, ‬2006‭, ‬Southern California Institute of Architecture‭, ‬Los Angeles CA‭. ‬Licensed Architect‭ #‬5316‭, ‬New Mexico Board Of Examiners For Architects‭, ‬2014‭ ‬PUBLICATIONS International Robotics and Automation Journal‭, ‬“The Heuristics of Agency‭: ‬On Computation‭, ‬Big Data‭ ‬&‭ ‬Urban Design‭.‬”‭ ‬2019‭. ‬Living Systems Architecture Group White Papers 2019‭, ‬“Would You Like to Wake up from this Dream‭? ‬Yes‭, ‬I’m Terrified‭. ‬An Argument for Machinic REM”‭ ‬edited by Philip Beesley‭, ‬Sascha Hastings‭ ‬&‭ ‬Sarah Bonnemaison‭. ‬Riverside Architectural Press‭, ‬2019‭. ‬International Robotics and‭ ‬Automation Journal‭, ‬“Distributed Cognition‭ : ‬Assessing The Structure Of Urban Scale Artificial Intelligence”‭ ‬2017‭. ‬The Journal of Architectural Education Online‭ (‬JAE‭), ‬Book Review of Nicholas de Monchaux’s book‭: ‬“Local Code‭: ‬3,659‭ ‬Proposals about Data‭, ‬Design and the Nature of Cities”‭ ‬2017‭. ‬“Digital Snowballs”‭ ‬by Alexander Webb‭, ‬CLOG x GUNS‭, ‬Issue 15‭ ‬2017‭. ‬The International Journal of Architectural Computing‭, ‬Sentience and Systems Boundaries in Architecture‭, ‬“Accepting the Robotic Other‭: ‬Why Real Dolls and Spambots Suggest a Near-Future Shift in Architecture’s Architecture‭.‬”‭ ‬2016‭.‬