Anouk Wipprecht,fashion-tech-designer (NL/USA)
Abstract: Fashion becomes interactive and technology has never before been as close to the skin – what kind of possibilities does this open up? Anouk Wipprecht is a FashionTech designer who works interdisciplinary in search for intelligent systems that interact with the body as the environment of the wearer. Wipprecht uses machine learning, A.I. and biomimicry coupled to sensors and animatronics. Her designs move, breath, and react to the world around them. She is interested in new ways we can interface — and builds micro-controlled garments to provoke her generation.
Short bio: Anouk Wipprecht is a Dutch FashionTech Designer, Engineer, and Innovator living in Miami. She is working in the field of wearable robotics with a focus on behavioral aspects of the interactions of body-based electronic design. She wants her garments to facilitate and augment the interactions we have with ourselves and our surroundings. Her Spider Dress is a perfect example of this aesthetic, where sensors and moveable arms on the dress help to create a more defined boundary of personal space while employing a fierce style.
Partnering up with companies such as Intel, AutoDesk, Google, Arduino, Microsoft, Samsung, Adobe, Adidas, Cirque Du Soleil, Audi, Disney, Swarovski, and 3D printing company Shapeways she researches how our future would look as we continue to embed technology into what we wear, and more importantly – how this will change our perspective on how we will interface with technology.
Over the years, her designs have received recognition and attention via exhibitions, publications, and awards. Wipprecht’s work has been exhibited internationally at multiple International Fashion Weeks, during CES and Art Miami, Premiere Vision Paris, ARS Electronica Festival, IAA and more. Her work has been featured in magazines like WIRED, Vogue, Elle, IEEE Spectrum, with TV appearances on CNN, Discovery Channel, Red Bull TV and NFL and exhibitions of her dresses at museums like V&A Museum, ARS Electronica Center, VITRA Museum, and the Museum for Science and Technology amongst a few.